Multiplication Fact Fluency

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    • #344

        Studies show that the harder you think while solving a problem, the more deeply you learn (read this).  Compared to multiplication fact work sheets, I love this activity for developing multiplication fact fluency because it gets students thinking more deeply, while developing a conceptual understanding of multiplication and division as inverses, and giving students a deep algebraic intuition.

        Below are some teacher notes to go along with this activity.  Over the next few weeks we will be adding this type of resource to all of the activities in Tile Farm Classroom.  Let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions!


        This activity reinforces students’ multiplication fact knowledge, while deepening their conceptual understanding of multiplication and division as inverses.  It also gives students a solid understanding of algebraic thinking that paves the way for success in higher math classes.

        Estimated Time:  5 minutes

        Best For:  Individuals, Pairs

        Discussion Questions and Prompts

        -Can you write an algebraic equation using X for the mystery tile for one of the problems in this game?

        -What strategies did you use to solve problems in this game?

        Reflection & Extension Ideas

        -If students like this game, they can play versions of it at different levels in Tile Farm Playground with content ranging from simple addition to order of operations.

        -In Warmups in Tile Farm Homeroom, there are a variety activities that help students master multiplication facts and gain a deep conceptual understanding of multiplication at all levels from 3rd grade up.

        • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by Alex.
      • #345

          You would be surprised how much help middle schoolers need with their multiplication facts.  It holds them back in learning many topics.  I will try this as a warmup with my classes.

          • #360

              Mr. Gold, my high school students struggle with this too.  More complex high school math problems often involve dozens of these simple little calculations and when students don’t have math fact fluency a simple problem can become incredibly arduous and confusing.  It would be like trying to read a story when you have to sound out every word.  If you do that you lose sight of the bigger picture.

          • #364

              I’m a math coach for elementary, and this looks really good for my 4th and 5th graders. Do you have anything a bit easier? My 3rd graders are just starting out with multiplication, so I’m looking for something that could help them with the basics.

            • #367

                MarieAZ, we have a ton more math facts activities.  Just a note, if you sign up for the beta of Tile Farm Classroom, you will get free access to all of these activities and a ton more for free for the near future.  You can sign up here:


                For your specific question, here is a visual and intuitive activity I really like for 3rd graders getting their feet wet in multiplication facts.


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