Tile Farm Classroom

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    • #236

        We are hard at work creating the Tile Farm Classroom, which includes Tile Farm Studio, Tile Farm Playground, and Tile Farm Homeroom that has tons of CCSS and NCTM Process standards aligned curriculum and activities. Tile Farm Classroom is currently being piloted numerous classrooms, STEAM Labs, and Maker Spaces. Subscribe to our newsletter (https://tilefarm.com/versions/tile-farm-in-the-classroom/) to receive updates and launch details. If you’d like to pilot Tile Farm Classroom in your school, please contact us (https://tilefarm.com/contact/).

      • #302

          UPDATE: We have now opened up a beta version of Tile Farm Classroom for registration. By registering, you’ll gain access to a free trial of Tile Farm Classroom through 2024. Sign up today (https://tilefarm.com/versions/tile-farm-classroom/)!

        • #368

            Thank you for signing up for the Beta version of Tile Farm Classroom! We hope Tile Farm is bringing joy and creativity to your classroom as your students explore the beauty of math and problem-solving. We sincerely appreciate your continued support.

            We recently added a variety of new features to Tile Farm Classroom including updates that increase overall performance of the product, along with exciting new content across all grade levels.

            In the coming weeks we will be adding a variety of exciting new features including teacher resources, student profiles, and assignment management tools.

            Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

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